Something is following me

Something is Following Me
Written by Ruth Holmes


He ran around in a big circle.  Something was chasing him and wouldn’t let up. Everywhere he turned there it was.” Aahh! What is it?” he thought. 

He jumped onto the sofa and there it was. He ran to the bedroom, but it followed him. It would not leave him alone. He ran around and around trying to catch it, but it was really fast. He jumped and did a somersault but that didn’t work either, it was right behind him! 

 He had to do the only thing that might make it go away. 

 So, he turned to face it! 

He stood his ground, but it was gone! “Where did it go?” he said out loud to no one in particular. 

He was determined to once and for all to stop it…. whatever it was…. from following him around. 

He sat down and without hesitation quickly turned around and grabbed it.” Ouch!” he hollered. Every time he grabbed it he felt a grab back.  

He yanked at it and felt a yank back. He pulled and it pulled back. He jumped and it jumped too. “Oh, this is so frustrating, “he thought. 

Finally, he sat down, took a deep breath, and very slowly turned his head to look at it.  

Yep, his tail was following him and would always go where ever he went. He realized he and his tail needed to work together to get along because where one went the other would always follow.